Bolshevism and Revolutionary Tradition (?)
This text, located in the archive of P. E. Shegolev, one of the founders of the State Museum of the Revolution, is a leaflet authored by Vadim Bystryansky. A Bolshevik underground worker and historian, Bystryansky held several leading positions after the Bolshevik rise to power. Notably, he served as the director of the Leningrad Institute…
Veterans and Museums: Novorussky of the Idea of Revolutionary Museum
It is a passage from the same meeting minutes that took place on 11 January 1920 in Nikolaevsky Hall of Winter Palace attended by over 6000 people to inaugarate the Museum of Revolution. In this passage, Mikhail Novorussky, a veteran of Narodnaya Volya and a long-standing proponent of creating a museum of revolution takes the…
Zinoviev and Revolutionary Tradition-2: the Museum of Revolution
Stenographic Report of the Meeting Dedicated to the Opening of the Museum of Revolution January 11, 1920 Nikolaevsky Hall, Winter Palace Present: Over 6,000 people (According to: Museum of the Revolution. Collection. Petrograd. 1923. P. 69.) Comrade Zinoviev (applause): Comrades, on the second year of the proletarian revolution, the Petrograd Soviet – the Soviet of…
Zinoviev and Revolutionary Tradition
22 January 1919 Zinoviev’s speech at the opening of the monument in the Shlissel’burg to its prisoners …the working population of Petrograd, that it has fallen to us to erect a monument to people who will be the pride of world history. We are gathered here today in small numbers, but we deeply believe that…
How the State Museum of Revolution was Declared
9 October, 1919. Minutes of the session of the Petrograd council where the foundation of the museum of revolution was proclaimed. The first part of the text was made by the first director of GMR Mikhail Kaplan. Comrades, M. V. Novorussky, a Shlisselburg native who spent 17 years in the Shlisselburg Fortress, was supposed to…
Tensions in a Stalinist museum
` In 1935, the Lenigrad branch of the Communist Party cracked down on Museum of Revolution. This was the result of a wave of repressions provoked by the murder of Sergei Kirov that affected the entire country. Infamous Moscow trials took place 1935-36, when which Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Pyatakov and many other old Bolsheviks were…